Zapier 101 - An Introduction to Zapier
The first chapter of the Zapier Experts certification program.
Zapier 101 will equip you with the tools to use Zapier like a boss. You'll go through everything from the basics of navigating your dashboard, the editor, and your Task History, to the more advanced native Zapier apps, such as the Formatter, Filter, and Delay.
While the video tutorials will give you most of the information you need to complete each assessment, there will be instances that may require you to read through the linked documentation at the bottom of each lesson or find the solution by building a Zap on your own account. Take your time with the assessment and make sure to think each question through before answering.
If you have not applied to our experts program and are not looking to obtain an official certification for your business, please instead view the courses from our YouTube channel.
With that said, are you ready to become a Zapier Expert? Click the button above to enroll and say hello to your new superpowers and be sure to use your Zapier email address when signing up to get credit!
P.S. After completing the quiz for each lesson, click "complete and continue" to move to the next lesson.